Somatic Developmental Trauma Healing

Transforming Touch® assists individuals to have greater ease and balance in everyday life by regulating the nervous system and bringing safety back to the body. Often times when we are young, our caretakers aren’t able to fully connect and support our early development due to medical or psychological reasons.  This work helps repair those early ruptures through building somatic trust and attachment so that one has more choice and experiences more ease and joy in life. We work very slowly over a period of time so as to minimize re-traumatization and allow for integration. Safety and trust within the therapeutic relationship is the cornerstone for this powerful healing work. 

A description of this work from Stephen:

“Transforming Touch is a protocol-based healing modality that supports the body to better health through the nervous system.  We support seven different places in your body and have options to add enhancements for more specific somatic clarity.  We understand that we have a window of tolerance and our goal is to expand that window of tolerance so that you have more options and experience more joy in your life.”