What my Clients Say

“I attended your ethics class on the chakras a couple of years ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it, and am looking forward to attending another of your classes. Thank you for offering a wonderful, creative Ethics class.” –Diane H.

“I’ve been getting a massage from Moksha for over a year now. I’m still amazed at what she can do. While I know that each time I can count on feeling deeply relaxed and peaceful, there are other concerns she skillfully addresses as well.

Shortly before the holidays, my mind was racing with all the things I needed to get done. I was certain that getting a massage would simply be a break in time where my mind could really go wild. My stress level would most likely increase instead of decrease. I’d seen it happen so many times when I got a massage from others. I told Moksha what was going on for me and was delighted to find my mind absolutely quiet and still during the hour with her and for quite some time after that!

Another time I was experiencing painful constipation. At the end of our hour, she also suggested some natural remedies I could use. I purchased what she suggested at the store and found I didn’t need to take them! I experienced relief before that simply from the work she did on me.

Moksha has a true gift for helping others experience physical, and mental, comfort and relaxation. I look forward to every massage!”
— JoAnna Stange, CWMP, CPCC, Breakthrough Specialist,

“For me, Moksha has been a dedicated, multifaceted and caring educator who has tailored her teaching of Polarity Therapy and Reiki to my individual learning style and personal needs. She is always interested in deepening her own work and invites students and colleagues to share knowledge in a way that nourishes us all. Her programs have played a crucial role in my personal transformation. As a former Waldorf Teacher, I have appreciated Moksha’s interweaving of the arts in her classes such that I can process what I learn on many levels.” — Nancy Preitz

“Moksha is a gifted practitioner from whom I have experienced deep and sustained healing, even in areas that I didn’t expect.”
— Nancy Preitz

“I am an apprentice in Moksha’s Reiki III master level training and I am so grateful to be studying Reiki through her excellent guidance and support. Moksha is truly tuned into the Spirit of this work and her training is masterful and oriented toward bringing the student into full knowledge and application of the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki tradition.” — Judith J. Winston, LMBT #196, RPP, CPE, Reiki III

“Dean and I were married on the Winter Solstice 2011 by Reverend Moksha Kolman.

Her deep quality of presence in the implementation of our ceremonial wishes continues to be a blessing within our marriage. She was instrumental in the creation of a safe and calm space where we could speak our intentions and vows from the depths of our hearts.

Taking a Reiki class with Moksha a few weeks before our wedding enhanced the ceremony and has helped us to sustain a deep spirituality in our daily life together.

We have been most fortunate to have had Moksha’s special blessing.

With Deep Gratitude,” — Nancy and Dean Hoskins